Supply Chain Challenges During Global Disruptions | Presentation HERE. Handout HERE. Impact of COVID-19 on Your HR Policies | Documents HERE and HERE. Understanding the Paycheck Protection Program | Presentation HERE. Audio HERE. Getting Started with Sales & Ops Planning | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. IT Security in Unprecedented Times | Webinar: HERE. Presentation: HERE. HR Peer Group: Challenges for Essential Businesses | Webinar HERE. Keys to Manufacturing Success | Webinar HERE. Presentation HERE. Post-COVID Series: Workers Compensation | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. 2020 Economic Breakfast | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Post-COVID Series: Legal Update | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Post-COVID Series: Safety Plan | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Adjusting Sales Strategies During COVID | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Paycheck Protection Program Loan Spending & Forgiveness | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. 2020 State of Manufacturing | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Virtual Marketing | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Best Practices for Leaders | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Adjusting Long-Term Goals | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Continuity Planning | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Microsoft Teams 101 | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Property Tax Assessment | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Microsoft Teams 201 | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Re-Opening Illinois & Wrap-Up of State Legislative Session | Recording HERE. Manufacturing Compressed Air in the Manufacturing Environment | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Improving Your Cash Position with Tax Credits for Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. What Defense Contractors Need to Know to Prepare for the CMMC | Recording HERE. Grow Your Business With LinkedIn Marketing | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Digital Marketing Success Stories for Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Benefits of Collaborative Robots | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. 7 Deadly Investor Sins | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Intellectual Property Law for Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Tips & Tricks to Create your MFG. Day Video | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Mfg. Efficiency Analytics Best Practices | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. PPP Loan Forgiveness Process Strategy | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Valuing Small Manufacturing Businesses | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Pre-Election Briefing | Recording HERE. Mfg. Export Forum - Euler Hermes Economic Update | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Post-Election Briefing | Recording HERE. Mfg. Export Forum - SBA & EXIM Programs | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE & HERE. Mfg. Export Forum - Export Working Capital & Credit Insurance | Recording HERE. Virtual HR Peer Group - Legal Update | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Specialty Tax Incentives for 2020 Filings | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Top Improvements to Maximize Engineering Efficiency | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Hiring & Engagement Tips for Workforce Success | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Using Market Data to Close the Talent Gap | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. IT & Operations Peer Group | Recording HERE. No Turtleneck Tech - Modernizing Operations Practically | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Virtual HR Peer Group - COVID Panel Discussion | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Impact of USMCA on Manufacturing | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Governor's Proposed Tax Hikes on Businesses | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Voice of Customer: Deeper Listening | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. 2021 State of Manufacturing | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Taking Advantage of the Employee Retention Credit | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Expiring Tax Incentives on Your Building | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. 2021 Economic Breakfast | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Effects of Renewable Energy Legislation | Recording HERE. Virtual HR Peer Group | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Recruit More Workers with Digital | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Manufacturing Matters for Mayors | Recording HERE. Impact of State Legislative Session on TMA Members | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Reporting 'Refusal to Return to Work' to Stop Unemp. Insurance Benefits | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. How Cyber Security Has Changed and How to Protect Ourselves Now | Recording HERE. Dissecting the Costly IL Energy Bill and Its Impact on Manufacturers | Recording HERE. HR Peer Group: Best Practices For Health Insurance Renewals | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. Framing Your Growth Strategy | Recording HERE. Illinois Redistricting and Political Outlook for Manufacturers in 2022 | Recording HERE. Commodity Pricing and What You Can Do About It | Presentation HERE. Rising Liability Costs in IL and the Impact on Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Top 5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Cash Flow for Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. HR Legal Update 2022 | Presentation Here. Best Practices and Current Tax-Saving Strategies for Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Presentation HERE. The Disengaged Job Applicant: What Can You Do About It? | Recording HERE. ADA, FLMA, & Workers' Compensation | Presentation HERE. A Conversation with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Jesse Williams | Recording HERE. A Conversation with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey | Recording HERE. A Conversation with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Gary Rabine | Recording HERE. A Conversation with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Richard Irvin | Recording HERE. Hiring Labor vs. Hiring a Robot: Introducing a New Option Where Automation is More Accessible| Recording HERE. Amendment 1: Impact on Illinois Manufacturers | Recording HERE. Conversation with Congressional Candidate Catalina Lauf | Recording HERE. Conversation with Congressional Candidate Scott Gryder | Recording HERE. Conversation with Congressional Candidate Keith Pekau | Recording HERE. Conversation with U.S. Senate Candidate Kathy Salvi | Recording HERE. Conversation with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey | Recording HERE. |
Guidelines HERE, and the toolkit [with live links] HERE. HUMAN RESOURCE QUESTIONS Email: [email protected], or call: 833-TMA-HR4U. TEST LOCATIONS Find one HERE or HERE. LAYOFFS / FURLOUGHS Contact Sedgwick: 773.824.4322, [email protected]. PPE Supplies can be found HERE. FACILITY CLEANING A list of those providers can be found HERE. SAFETY KIT Daniel & Henry Co. kit HERE. |
Return to Work Action Plan
In preparation for reopening your business and asking employees to come back to work, it’s imperative that your company thoughtfully constructs a return to work action plan for its employees to keep everyone healthy and safe following the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE
Workforce Safety Kit
TMA member and endorsed service provider, Daniel & Henry Co., has assembled the various pieces of a manufacturers safety kit that you can download and modify to be specific to your company and operations.
In preparation for reopening your business and asking employees to come back to work, it’s imperative that your company thoughtfully constructs a return to work action plan for its employees to keep everyone healthy and safe following the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE
Workforce Safety Kit
TMA member and endorsed service provider, Daniel & Henry Co., has assembled the various pieces of a manufacturers safety kit that you can download and modify to be specific to your company and operations.
How Clean Is Your Facility? Four Sources Of Contamination
How clean is your facility? That's the questions you should be asking yourself and your cleaning company regularly. But how can you tell whether you are maintaining a clean plant? Well, to start you should know there are four sources of contamination in a manufacturing plant. CLICK HERE
How clean is your facility? That's the questions you should be asking yourself and your cleaning company regularly. But how can you tell whether you are maintaining a clean plant? Well, to start you should know there are four sources of contamination in a manufacturing plant. CLICK HERE
Your Reference Guide for LinkedIn Ads
With so many posts and ads throughout LinkedIn, it can be difficult to decipher what’s actually an ad, and why ad placement on LinkedIn might benefit your company. Determining which ad type is right for your campaign begins with where your ad will show to your audience, the make-up of your messaging, and your ad objective. CLICK HERE
With so many posts and ads throughout LinkedIn, it can be difficult to decipher what’s actually an ad, and why ad placement on LinkedIn might benefit your company. Determining which ad type is right for your campaign begins with where your ad will show to your audience, the make-up of your messaging, and your ad objective. CLICK HERE
2020 Annual State of Manufacturing Report
In a recent global survey of approximately 200 manufacturers, participants revealed a desire to realize the alluring promise of smart manufacturing. This study from Plex Systems, developed with the support of LNS Research, explores common manufacturing challenges alongside evolving technology solutions, with an eye toward creating a blueprint that helps companies successfully navigate and achieve business transformation. CLICK HERE
In a recent global survey of approximately 200 manufacturers, participants revealed a desire to realize the alluring promise of smart manufacturing. This study from Plex Systems, developed with the support of LNS Research, explores common manufacturing challenges alongside evolving technology solutions, with an eye toward creating a blueprint that helps companies successfully navigate and achieve business transformation. CLICK HERE
Adjusting Supply Chains Amid COVID-19
The global shock waves caused by COVID-19 hit virtually every industry and supply chain. Were these adjustments just in time or just in case? CLICK HERE
How Business Leadership Traits Will Evolve
How are real-time changes in business and organizational models impacting leadership roles? Here's how business leadership will evolve in the coming years. CLICK HERE
The global shock waves caused by COVID-19 hit virtually every industry and supply chain. Were these adjustments just in time or just in case? CLICK HERE
How Business Leadership Traits Will Evolve
How are real-time changes in business and organizational models impacting leadership roles? Here's how business leadership will evolve in the coming years. CLICK HERE