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SCHAUMBURG - Several new laws related to Human Resource issues will go into effect January 1, 2025. Below is a listing from TMA’s HR Resource AMUNDSEN DAVIS:
It usually begins this way: “Do you know someone at the Technology & Manufacturing Association (TMA) that does X or Y?” The question most often comes from a TMA member via inperson conversation, an email, text, or phone call, and the search to assist that small or midsize manufacturer commences. An array of recommendations may be made to the TMA team members, taking on the challenge of finding what the TMA member is looking for as a place to start. If that doesn’t produce results, somebody may distribute the query through the TMA-SIG. However, sufficient answers are usually found among TMA’s Associate and Affiliate members, or TMA’s Supplier Network, thanks to TMA’s knowledgeable and experienced staff, recommendations from fellow members, and/or information found in TMA’s online member directory. TMA Associate members are businesses that offer services, equipment, machinery, or materials unique to companies that qualify as manufacturer members that are not normally performed by manufacturer members. Affiliate members consist of companies providing services to manufacturer members by neither manufacturer nor Affiliate members. Together, the Associates and Affiliates create TMA’s robust Supplier Network. And why do suppliers join TMA? To find businesses that benefit from or need the services they can provide. Everyone wins. More at Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TMA Legislative Scorecard shows state lawmakers that fully support small & midsize manufacturing9/9/2024 TMA’s Legislative Scorecard Shows 32 Lawmakers in the Illinois House and Senate Had Perfect Scores Voting for Legislation that Impacts Manufacturing
TMA Encouraged to See More Perfect Scores This Legislative Year Compared to Last SCHAUMBURG, IL – In their newly released 2023 Legislative Scorecard, the Technology & Manufacturing Association (TMA) reports 32 lawmakers in the Illinois House and Senate voted 100% in line with small and midsize manufacturers on 7 key pieces of legislation that impacts manufacturing. In order to score perfectly, the lawmakers’ voting records showed they agreed with TMA’s positions on behalf of small and midsize manufacturers on key legislation 100% of the time during the 2023 Illinois legislative session. First-in-the-Midwest Submarine Manufacturing Program
Will Help Strengthen Our Country’s Submarine Industrial Base SCHAUMBURG, IL – Not since the Cold War has the United States Navy seen such a significant demand for building new submarines. Supporting the Navy’s efforts to maintain our country’s strategic undersea advantage in an increasingly complex international security environment, BlueForge Alliance has engaged the Technology & Manufacturing Association (TMA) to launch a new manufacturing training programs to ensure the country has the workforce it needs to build a new generation of submarines. More at NEW ILLINOIS EMPLOYMENT LAWS for 2024
With the start of a new year, Illinois employers face some new state laws. INCREASE IN STATE MINIMUM WAGE Illinois has increased its minimum wage from $13.00 to $14.00 per hour statewide, including Cook County (except Chicago). The minimum wage for employees in Chicago is higher.
Just over a month after passing the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (the Ordinance), which brought sweeping new paid leave and paid sick leave requirements to employers with Chicago employees, the city has amended the Ordinance to delay its effective date and limit the number of covered employees. More at By Jeffrey A. Risch of Amundsen Davis
With the January 1, 2024, effective date of the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act (IPLAWA) quickly approaching, employers need to ensure they are analyzing their existing paid leave policies to determine what changes need to be made before the end of 2023. More information at Temp Workers to Receive Same Benefits as Full-Time Employees After 90 Days
SCHAUMBURG, IL – More than 70% of Illinois small and midsized manufacturers anticipate a negative impact from a new state law, according to a survey of Technology & Manufacturing Association (TMA) members. Read more at The Technology & Manufacturing Association’s Human Resource provider, SESCO, offered a short, concise update of a decision made last week by the National Labor Relations Board which affects company/union relations.
New Framework for Union Representation Proceedings
On August 4, 2023, Governor Pritzker signed into law extensive amendments to The Day and Temporary Labor Services Act (Act). They were immediately effective, but the Illinois Department of Labor (Department) has not yet promulgated any guidance or instructions.
As a result of the amendments, the Act increased penalties, imposed new notice requirements and heightened protections for laborers. Most significantly, temporary workers assigned to a client job site for 90 days or longer will be entitled to receive the same pay and benefits from their staffing companies as workers directly hired by the client company. Temporary workers will also be permitted to refuse assignments at job sites experiencing strikes, lockdowns or other “labor troubles.” Further, temporary workers will be advised of safety hazards present at the job site and will receive training specific to the job site. More at "Immediate Changes to Illinois' Day & Temporary Services Act" |
AuthorManufacturing industry news is provided by the Technology & Manufacturing Association in Schaumburg, IL Archives
December 2024
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